Preparing for the Next Zero-Day Vulnerability


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    Preparing for the Next Zero-Day Vulnerability

    Join Larry Maccherone, DevSecOps Transformation lead at Contrast Security, and Farshad Abasi, Chief Security Officer at Forward Security for an interactive discussion about how to future-proof against emerging threats on the horizon so your organization is prepared to respond instantly to zero-day vulnerabilities like Log4Shell.

    Topics for discussion include:

    • What lessons should we draw from our experiences since Log4Shell?
    • Have you seen changes in behavior as a result of Log4Shell?
    • Have other vulnerabilities been discovered due to increased scrutiny of open source libraries?
    • How would you respond to the FTC alert regarding Log4Shell
    • How has this changed your thinking on use of open source libraries, and budget allocation to secure them?
    • What could have been done to protect against the perils of Log4Shell, and how can you prevent the next threat?