Understanding Modern EDR Tools: How They Work, How They Provide Value, and How to Bypass Them

How They Work, How They Provide Value, and How to Bypass Them

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools are quickly becoming the standard protection against today’s adversaries. Yet, much like the solutions before them – legacy antivirus – attackers are already researching, publishing, and deploying novel techniques to understand and evade modern EDR products.

In  this webinar u will:

  • Explore the role that modern EDRs play and tips for evaluating vendors
  • Review the latest defensive evasion techniques sophisticated adversaries deploy to bypass EDR tools
  • Discover helpful resources for staying up to date with modern research and techniques
  • Learn how to effectively implement the defensive evasion techniques within your own red team operations



Understanding Modern EDR Tools

Nick Landerns, NETSPI
60 minutes

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